"VI compare the merging of two galaxies to the entwining of two humans to start a new life, separate and do it again later, orgasm and all. Only good as gold can come from this."
Good try but as I mentioned "... all the destruction that creates[?]" Let me elaborate on that.
The increased gravity from stars coming close together will pull planets out of their orbits, plunging them into a permanent freeze, or send them hurtling into their sun incinerating them. Imagine what would happen to life in those planets. Also it will cause other stars to detonate as supernovas incinerating whatever life there is on those planets.
Furthermore, it seems that every galaxy has an enormous black hole in its center. Two black holes coming together will become the mother of all cosmic disasters with a detonation that is probably worse than a million supernovas. This might possibly destroy all life throughout the merged galaxies.
Not a pretty picture.
PS: You said "Only good as gold can come from this."
Ironically you're right but only in a literal sense. Gold and other elements are created during a supernova explosion. However no one will get rich.